I Created A Life I Love

Follow Your Interests And Find Joy!

Kristine Spindler Denton

It's time to put those interests and hobbies first! Those interests that make you happy, make you laugh and fill your life with joy are more important than you think. Be brave enough to put yourself first and bring yourself joy!
#icreatedalifeilove #joy #genxers #womensupportingwomen #createyourjoy

00:00:01 hello everyone what are you interested in what do you want to learn more about or get really good at what unique desire keeps calling you let's talk about it are you tired of just getting through the day especially when you know you were meant for more I was too so I started a journey to bring more joy to my life and create a life that I actually loved every single day join us as we'll take this journey together celebrating our failures being inspired by our successes and laughing with each other along the way we want everyone to

00:00:41 be able to look at their lives and say I created a life I love hello everyone and welcome to I created a life I love I am Christine spinler DST and we have a very special guest with us today um a close friend of mine and I'm so excited that she was willing to come on our podcast with us today so please welcome Miss Stephanie quick hi everyone uh we are so happy to have her here we are on our month of creativity um this is our second episode about creativity and why it's important in your life and

00:01:30 how to bring it into your life even if you don't think you're creative and last week we talked a lot about that and how you can be creative in all aspects of your life and in sports and in your job and uh we're not all artists all right and that's not what it's about and so we talked a lot about creativity and how we can really use it to bring joy into our life last week so we're gonna go further on that today and talk about how you can bring creativity how you can bring creativity um into your hobbies right

00:02:12 and your interests and what part of that um comes into your life and brings you Joy so we're gonna get to that but first let's start as always with what's up so Stephanie what's up in your life so I am a teacher and uh we now uh I teach a I teach an AP class so my test is next week or this coming week on Thursday so we've been prepping for that and there's a bunch of end of the school year activities happening so we're getting ready for all of those things and prepping for that so it's been all things work I guess you could

00:02:51 say I get it okay so to introduce Stephanie and yes she is an educator um as well um so you get all of us we have Janette myself and Stephanie all Educators and Stephanie and I have been friends since our kids were in kindergarten and they are now all graduating or in college right or graduating from college and um in that phase so that's how long we've known each other and we have been through it um through all aspects of that so we're going to talk about some of that today and Many Adventures and let's see if I talk about

00:03:30 my what's up what's up for me this week is I went back to work so that was um interesting I definitely have not feeling 100% yet but it was good to get back to work to see friends and colleagues I'm actually in the midst of leaving one job still within the same organization but leaving one position and moving into another so it was kind of a Bittersweet week for me going back and seeing everyone but then knowing I'm kind of leaving them so it was really fun but it was hard um at the same time I also did find out for

00:04:06 my doctor this week that everything is good but that I will definitely still have to have another procedure probably in July or August so I kind of and it's a little bit more than I thought it was going to be so that was you know plus and minuses right no complaints um and definitely not as intense as three surgeries I've had but still like I don't know you know you kind of get to the place where you want to be done right and not that it's ever going to be really done for me but um once you've had cancer it's kind of something that's

00:04:39 always going to be there but um I yeah found out that that information this week so I kind of had to process that and embrace it and see how I could use it and see the positive aspect of it and just be grateful for how far I've come and where I'm at now um so all of the things we've talked about on this show and uh you know I'm living it as well and definitely had to process and feel all those emotions and then figure out how I could um you know use my strength and use that situation to become better

00:05:17 and so that's what I'm working on this week uh and I'm excited about the new position I'm going to go into a little nervous right it's like the first day of school again or like you know first new job like you're always nervous and having to learn new things but I'm excited for a new challenge and a new chapter in my life okay so here's our quote for today um develop a hobby Let The Winds of enthusiasm sweep through you live today with gusto our quote for today is develop a hobby Let The Winds of enthusiasm sweep

00:05:55 through you live today with gusto and that is by Dale Carnegie and I think that really kind of um sums up everything we're talking about right living your life um with passion and Gusto and you know being curious about everything and creating a life that you really love and one factor of that is having hobbies and interests that you love and that bring you Joy um it's great if your job and your career can do that as well but not everyone has that situation right some people just have a job that's paying their bills and doing

00:06:32 things and it's fine right they might not hate it but it's fine and then in their off time they're really doing all these fun creative wonderful you know things they're passionate about on the weekends and so you don't have to change your entire life to start bringing more joy into your life you've just got to really make sure that you're creating moments of joy for yourself every day and every week um and if it can be in your job that's great but if it can't then do it on the off time and we really

00:07:06 I just really want to talk about why that's important right so we're gonna look at why hobbies are even important right why does it even why does it even matter what you're doing um on the weekends or in your off time away from work and we have a great article um called positive impact Hobbies on your mental health it's from oats integrated Care at Oaks int care.org and there's um a couple of reasons why do Hobbies matter so first of all Hobbies allow us to unwind and dessed right away from our

00:07:43 work if your work is really stressful and intense having a hobby being creative and doing something else can really bring your stress down which is extremely helpful right for your mental health and your overall well-being um secondly Hobbies can actually help you develop new skills right and create new Pathways in your brain learning something new so when you're being creative when you're trying to learn a new skill that's extremely helpful to your mental well-being and a third reason is Hobbies can also really

00:08:16 improve your creativity and problem solving so when you're doing something that's completely away from your job it can teach you um and give you those moments of being creative and what that can do is that can actually bleed back over to your job right it can give you a different way of looking at things it can give you different perspectives um it can help you have more empathy toward other people all of these skills um are things that you can then use in your job um or just in your personal life and

00:08:49 help you grow so those are some of the reasons to have um a hobby uh Stephanie what's your thoughts on hobbies and interests you know one of the things I um um I I personally feel like I don't have a lot of hobbies um I uh there's things that I like to do but I don't necessarily know if you would call it a hobby and I've thought about hobbies in the sense that I have I'm not at retirement now but I think about it where what am i g to do when I retire even though that you can still like you said embrace your hobbies on the

00:09:26 weekends um right but I feel like as you said like as as an educator I definitely spend most of my time thinking about my job and then that parlays into my weekends too and I do try to make time on the weekends to do fun things but I don't necessarily know if anything that I'm doing is going to be classified as a hobby whereas when I talk to other people they're like that's definitely a hobby so I don't know you know what I mean and so but that's just that that is my definite uh um take on it but I like

00:10:00 I said there's things that I like to do but I don't know if it's like if I would say is definitely a hobby what would be one of the things like one example of something that you like to do well I like like things that I like to do just to relax and unwind I do like to read so I definitely like to read um and then I also um like to go I like to go to concerts so I definitely um like to go um to live see live music I I am a little bit of a snob in the light that I like I do like live music but and so if

00:10:36 I'm somewhere where they're playing live music I love that um but if I'm gonna pay to go see something it's always going to be country music for the most part or even like some 80s artist or somebody that I that's on a bucket list item one of the persons that I always wanted to see live that I had that heard that I heard was an amazing show and then I did see this past um October was pink but like I I wouldn't mind seeing like um no doubt or Gwen Stefani I would love to see her live there's some people

00:11:06 that I would like to see live but most of the time my my Hunt is out for like a country music artist and it could be someone that's currently popular or it could be someone that's up and coming that I would like to hear live right so those I think those are definitely hobbies and we're talking about like we're talking about doing things and skills and being creative but I I think hobbies are also yeah definitely reading I think most educators are readers right and I'm a big reader too I think that's

00:11:36 definitely a hobby and I think your passion for live music is really cool I mean we got to be in Nashville together which I had never been for your birthday um unfortunately I wasn't feeling my best it was um to have a story it was literally what three weeks or two and a half weeks before I was diagnosed with cancer um so I didn't know why I wasn't feeling great so that was little thing but it was amazing to be in Nashville the place that Stephanie found oh my God you guys we were on what well they don't

00:12:09 call it the strip that's Vegas or what do they call but Main Street I guess is what they call it it's called Lower Broadway was the name of the street their main their main their main location for all of their live music venues you would say yeah and we were right there so our A&B was literally you took an elevator up from the main strip with all of the bars right on there with all of the live music we were right there right in the midst of it the Airbnb and it was this huge Loft and with all these different bedrooms it was

00:12:44 just great and we took an elevator up over one of the bars so we were able to look over and let just look right down the street and see everybody walking around and going to it we literally you know took the elevator down walked out and we were right there in the midst of all of it and I had never been to Nashville before and talk about live music I mean you just walked into any any bar and there were all these um artists playing so it was it was really fun it was an amazing time of live music but I think those are hobbies and

00:13:15 interests um I definitely am trying to go to more Live Events as well so I think live music is a great you know a great hobby Live Events you get to interact with all the people there I think that's a that's a great great hobby um I think for me on the opposite end I have way too many like I am interested in learning a million skills I'm the opposite end which is so my personality of being like everywhere right I have 50 different things I want to learn like I want to start golfing more and learning that um you and I have

00:13:51 done golf lessons together yeah you're way better at that than I am that was like a disaster for me I do admire about you the fact that you have all those interests though like I love that about you I love that I love that I wish I wish I found other things interesting because I don't there's definitely certain things I'm like that's not for me like the scrapbooking like I know that there's things that other people do like I and I love that about them and I find that awful yeah I understand that I think I mean

00:14:33 but I think I'm way on one extreme and you might be on the other and hopefully like a lot of other people like might be in the middle right they have some interest or one or two interests or four I have 50 million you might have one or two like like we we're both kind of on the extremes and I drag Stephanie into my I don't know escapades I guess I would say all the time and she's the best sport ever um so she went and did the golf lessons with me right and I'm gonna you know that there's now this new

00:15:04 thing golf thing out there where you can go and suck and they don't care it's more about socializing and so you get to go and you talk a lot and you have a beer as you're go you know what I mean and they're not I'm trying to remember what it's called but it's this new group that I see is all over the nation that they're doing that it's just you go get put in the foresome you don't care how good you do you don't care that you know what I mean that you're trying to be perfect but it's all about the

00:15:30 socialization which I think is really cool so but I'm still too chicken to do that I still have to I want to go practice first at a take retake lessons I feel like I keep going at it every five years and then by the time I'm ready to do and have time to do it again then I have to re take lessons again to try and get good enough to go um it can be intimidating and that's one of the factors I think a lot of people can be intimidated about trying something new right because they're not good at it right away and they don't want to look

00:16:01 stupid which we talked a lot about on the show um and not caring with other people think and not caring especially for women I think women are way I think guys will go out there and be like n good like you know what I mean they won't care and I think women much more not that they care enough about what other people think I think we're getting better at that but I think they just don't want to look silly your statement about um men not caring and being able to move on past something quickly is definitely a factual

00:16:34 statement compared to women and that over I think over time as we age we care less and less and we're more likely to um to put ourselves out there so I was saying that maybe by the time you know 30 years from now you know when I'm 80 years old I will care zero and I'll be but I am I going to be in the shape to to do some of these things that I was hesitant you know for 40 years ago to do yes yes I say yes we're definitely living into our 80s and 90s I just saw a great post about gen xers and it's

00:17:09 saying something along the line of like that we we are as old as we're going to get like this is it like we're showing how we're going to age and we're not aging like the Boomers or the generations before us and this is it our sarcasm are not caring are are general just we're doing it our way and we don't give a what you have to say about it that's it like it's not going to change we're not going to get older and stop doing and being how we are and so I just thought it was great because I'm like

00:17:45 it's true like I think we're a special generation and I think that we are definitely aging and doing it very differently than any generation before us well that's comforting that's come pretty yeah I think so I think so well and we're GNA talk about two I think one of the fun things um that happen when you have kids and Stephanie and I our kids like are now older right but when we our kids were younger they pull you into interest and hobby that you didn't you don't think you would ever have so that's something

00:18:22 we want to talk about too because a lot of the you know the most hysterical moments we've had in our lives and ridiculous situations we got ourselves into were due to the interests and hobbies of our children right so we both threw our kids into activities and sports and you know gave them the opportunities to figure out what they liked what they were interested in and my youngest and um Stephanie has one um daughter and Jordan and then my youngest Zoe are the same age and they were in kindergarten together and then we hooked

00:18:58 up and started doing all you know all of their activities together when we saw that they had a lot of the same interest so that's a really fun time as well which is a way to embrace things and bring your creativity because we did that completely so our girls um were on were they on soccer teams together too before softball or no so we've got Scouts softball and Girl Scouts okay so we got together when our girls started doing doing softball and my oldest um had played softball so I was on round two with my second and so I

00:19:35 started coaching and I was a little more I think nervous to coach my oldest and I think I was really intimidated right with most of the coaches being men and it being my oldest child and not knowing kind of how the leagues worked and you know I had played the sport but I think it's different when you're coaching and you're being responsible for other kids and I wasn't an educator yet so I I you know I I was hesitant and so by the time I got to my second um and she was interested in playing sports and then

00:20:09 and so by that time I met Stephanie and we decided we would do this together thank God she said yes with me and so then I start we started coaching together right and we took these girls and if you've ever tried to it's the same I've seen videos of you know little boys in baseball and running the wrong way and not knowing what to do with the ball right they can't really throw or catch yet they I mean you're giving them hard balls like even though like understand a softball still very hard you're giving them a ball you're giving

00:20:42 them bats right and you're and you have to make sure they're safe and that you know that cha and chaos is happening at all time well I feel like I feel like softball baseball those are hard that's a lot of skills for a kid to learn and they're five five years old five they not only do they have to learn how to throw hit catch then all the rules that's that's a lot it's a lot for them it's a lot for the adult trying to teach all that St right yeah I was usually out on the field so Stephanie and I you know

00:21:20 with this being the interests of our kids said okay let's do this let's Embrace this that let's jump in let's bring our creativity our Unique Style to this and we did and we were very different I think than the other coaches we were Silly with the girls right we had fun with the girls we laughed with the girls we tried to keep it you know pretty light and so it's you know combining all your skills right and trying to make sure that everyone is safe and having fun and then you have all the parents with their expectations

00:21:56 with the kids right so that's a fun part too but we brought our own style to it and had a blast with it but there were it was it was chaos it was chaos and I know you had some moments in the Dugout like I was usually on the field and then Stephanie was in The Dugout which it's like hurting cats trying to get them to you know you had to make sure they had their glove you had to make sure they would find a helmet or that swing a bat and not hit anybody else there the dug The Dugout is no joke it is really no joke when

00:22:31 they're that little and I I felt like I saw no games that all I was doing was making sure everybody knew where they're supposed to be or where they're G to be once we take the field and have their visors their gloves oh so so many things I forgot about the visors Ste literally I know of how many different times when I would come off the field because I was on the field with them like either doing the pitching machine right because they couldn't pitch yet or coaching a base and helping them just run in the correct

00:23:07 order or helping them swing the bat and not drop or throw the bat or or trying to field and throw a ball so I usually was on the field and Stephanie was handling the Dugout and I would come at the end of the game and say wow that was really good like did you see blah blah blah and the look Stephanie would give me would be like I saw none of it I saw none of it and would you like to know why because Susan is over here running out of the Dugout to the left and going around and then Jane is over here like

00:23:36 throwing her glove and she can't just find her glove to get back on the field like she would there was a whole another world happening in The Dugout definitely a whole another level you were in two completely different worlds yes definitely for sure it was definitely it was def fun it was fun for I can't deny that it was fun there are were definitely some times that want to pull my hair out but you know I it it does our kids definitely have some wonderful memories from it ours are a little different our take on the events versus

00:24:12 their very yeah and then as a separate little interest we went into we went into Girl Scouts and then did that and that was a blast we took them on so many different field trips and got to learn so many new things that was a whole different skill set that we learned and that was fun um so yeah I think the Girl Scouts was just again following the girls interest and that was a fun thing so we joined that and became co-leaders whatever it's called right of the Girl Scouts and took them on so many different trips we learned a ton that

00:24:46 was a completely new skill set that we were learning um how to lead the girls how to all the field trips we went on um all the lessons learned that was a lot of fun too yeah we definitely went to some we did some fun things with them on that that without them we would never would have gone to right like exactly right we went we did a tour of the airport we did um small airport and we did um remember Kings Hawaiian where they had to Kate decorating super fun what else we got a tour of Cold Stone creamy we had a lot

00:25:23 of fun ones like if you think about it super fun right that as an adult why would you do that right so yeah for sure yeah if you have kids um you can really you know not use them but like their interest and ex their exploring and them figuring out what their interests are and their hobbies are or what they're interested in sportswise Reading museums like all of the trips that we took like you're saying I forgot that we went to Kings Hawaii and we went back in the back of this restaurant and they were allowed to like make their

00:26:00 own cake was that it right make they were they were they were allowed to decorate their own cakes yeah super yeah and then we had went to an airport yeah you're right got to walk around and see all the things at the airport the behind the scenes it's definitely a way that you can with your kids with your grandkids explore new things try new skills figure out new hobbies and interests that you might have from taking them to all these different places and museums and excursions and field trips right you don't need to have

00:26:32 them just do these things like in a classroom we did it with Girl Scouts but you can do it just on your own right or even with just a couple other parents or grandparents or whatever and take your kids somewhere get um a back you know behind the scenes look um there's a lot of places that are definitely open to do that so um use your kids use your grandkids to find you know when they're figuring out what their hobbies are young and growing you can see what those Hobbies or interests and how you might

00:27:03 be interested in them I agree with what you said in the sense that it it opens your eyes to all the possibilities out there what you might be interested in just by going along for the ride you know so I like the cake decorating thing for that I think that you know I I watch on like YouTube people making you know taking a store bought cake and decorating it beautifully I think that that is fantastic that somebody has that skill set I am just not very like artistic at all like I can barely draw a

00:27:34 straight line I love to see the creations and even the process of it but it's just not something that I um I feel that I'm good at and then there's some things that I also see from that standpoint that I'm like oh that takes a lot of um patience right a lot of a lot of things that um I feel like with with cre on the creative aspect does take a lot of patience and I said that um I feel like on my on my end my patient um jar is you know is empty by the end of a work day so I feel like maybe once um like when

00:28:18 summer I think I have a little bit more patience to try new things but during the school during the school year it's a little harder for me I feel like personally and U no that makes sense that makes sense like things that yeah that um take patience it's hard to do when you've had a long day right yeah so it might be easier to do on a weekend I'm I'm like that too I think the things I have to do in the evening you know when I after a day of work are more for me it's almost more physical things to

00:28:48 get that release like because we've been like I have this pent up energy and I want to do something more physical you know what's hysterical one of the things I've been doing through my covery and I think I've mentioned it here before but like we have a Wii you know we've played Wii games before with our kids right and I have a it's the most basic of video type games for anyone who doesn't know what a Wii is like I think most of the kids on there are like what like eight to 10 years old right it's not it's very

00:29:16 familyfriendly young kids oriented right but we have the sports one and so what I was doing to kind of recover to just get up and around as I was starting to heal was I started to play the golf game on it and the tennis game on it and so like as a little hobby but it's been so much fun because I just I'm very Stephanie knows and anyone listening to this podcast know I have admitted this many times before I'm very very very competitive and so playing like a little sports game against that thing it's good

00:29:49 because I can get out any frustrations of the day like that can be my little interest and hobby that I'm doing but I'm getting some physical movement and exercise I'm like smashing it and like you know what I mean like trying to hit it hard and doing all that kind of stuff so lets me like kind of release all that energy have that competitive moment and you know all those little eight-year-olds they have no idea that you know they're playing against me and I'm out there beating all the eight-year-olds in

00:30:19 tennis that's a good there you go it's my little and it's because I'm like you I think we are similar in that one aspect and I'm not creative in an artistic sense I think I'm very creative in other ways like with businesses and with being able to see a bigger picture and how to solve a problem I think I have a lot of creativity that way I have a lot of creativity and how to look at something different and I think the way that you and I did interact with our kids and raising our kids and them going

00:30:52 through all these interests I think we were very creative in the way that we did it differently than other people people did it we're both probably not creative in like the classic sense right the creative like drawing or you know things like that or with art or anything like that but I think we were very creative and did things our own way with all of all of these things that we did I mean I remember being on a softball team and like our pitcher was really struggling and I think she was you know

00:31:24 um I think it was those and you or was it h I think it was was one of the other little girls and I think they were like 10 at that time or 11 and they were stressing out we were in the middle of the game and she was struggling and like I went out and we like did a little dance on the mound like you know what I mean like we got her to laugh and to be silly again and then she ended up pitching the rest of the game and doing good and like that's not how the guys were doing it right and I know there

00:31:50 were things that you were doing in The Dugout that we brought our own creativity to coaching teams with our girls or taking you know the Girl Scout Troops did different things that other people weren't doing and that was our own that was our way of being creative right I would great for sure definitely um had our own take on on how we should proceed with a lot of things yeah and we laughed a lot and it definitely brought Joy right for sure yeah for sure for sure well I would say so moving ahead um

00:32:24 for everybody out there this week um it is so important to have just those Hobbies or interests and if you can do it and combine it with raising your kids and you can gain more you know interests um as they explore what their interests are I think that's fantastic um or if you're on your own like we are now right our kids are grown I think it's always good um to try new things and to try and do you know a new skill and challenge yourself but I think it's also so just good to just Embrace who you are and I

00:33:01 think the more you take time to really get to know yourself and what makes you happy and if you really listen to that and follow that I think you're gonna be I think you're G to be fine but I think the problem is people just don't don't think it's important in the important enough in their lives to really have a hobby or have an interest they're like I'm too busy I'm too you know swamped with my life and I just think it is important to do those trips because I know like so I think people really

00:33:30 struggle with how to prioritize interests and hobbies in their life right and let themselves take that time and give them that release that distressor that way of bringing themselves Joy so how did you kind of like prior toward prioritize seeing like more live music in your life or you know giving yourself the time to read how did you prioritize that in your life um I do have to one of the things that you said resonated in the sense that you have to you know prioritize because I feel like um you know when you're working you're

00:34:05 just trying to get to Friday right and you're just trying to get through the week and then do whatever you're going to do on the weekend maybe it's all your errands and all that I think you do need to make sure that you find things that make you happy and bring you some Joy you know and that that because you don't realize it until you're doing it how happy it makes you feel right and so I do believe that that is something to think about um oh I said with reading I that's just one of the I actually do do

00:34:36 read most evenings something um because I I will I will um read rather than watch TV so usually I will pick up you know whatever book I'm reading and continue with that before I go to bed so that's one of the ways that I I relax and just take my mind somewhere else um so that's a conscious effort right um as for the live music um I didn't really realiz realized that I how much I enjoyed it until um actually I'd gone to concerts before but so co-worker did um invite me to a concert about 10 or 11

00:35:19 years ago that she had an extra ticket to and so we I hadn't been in that point to a concert since you know it might have been 20 years before that and it was like a oneandone type of thing like it wasn't or something I was actively seeking out so we went to that one concert and then after that it was like one's the next one we can go to when's the next one we can go to and then it was and you know and that's that year or the year after that um oh I think it was the year after that F first time we call

00:35:50 that our first date me and that coworker um we uh and we uh went to Stage Coach so this Stage Coach that just happened that will be my ninth one nine in a row yeah so I haven't the only time I stopped going after that was during the pandemic obviously those two years but nine in a row um so yeah so I've been going ever since and then during the pandemic obviously couldn't go but then um when we came out of the pandemic you know we had tickets for stage coach in 2020 and um as we could you could have

00:36:26 got your money back from that and we didn't we just rolled them over and so then um we went in what 2022 and then um and then it was like oh we couldn't go anywhere during that time how many can we go like what can we go to so it's like we went to you know concert after concert I felt like so like like right now this this year I think 2024 so the concert I have a con I had strage coach in April end of April right and I have a concert in June a concert in July concert in August a concert in September right now wow

00:37:05 yeah so like I said I I I actively look to be able to go and I think just it gives you something to look forward to right like you have your one one thing a month maybe right that you can go to you know is it realistic to keep up not necessarily because it gets expensive right but right but if you plan enough in advance you might be able to get get a cheap ticket and then I do like up and cominging artists where you can get super cheap tickets to small venues which is super cool to go to we're lucky

00:37:36 we live in an area like you know in LA county where there's a lot of places to actually go see somebody um that is up and coming for relatively cheap versus living somewhere you know where you would have to travel quite a distance to get to this same concert that is only half hour away from me versus somebody that is you know it's a two-hour drive right so we are blessed like that right to be able to do that so yeah I I just signed up um and um put money down which it wasn't cheap but to go to a show at

00:38:11 um in Santa Barbara so I'm gonna go up there and spend the night up there in August and then see um I'm gonna see a comedy act um up there I'm seeing Chelsea Handler so it's not music but I just wanted to go to more Live Events and to go to more venues that I hav't been to and especially in California they're all open so you're out in the you know sitting in the night looking up at the stars you know and they're not huge huge venues but they're you know a good size and I just I love that idea so

00:38:42 I I do think you have to prioritize as we've been talking about the whole time on this show is creating a life you love like you have to decide where you want your money to go in ways that will bring you Joy and be purposeful with where you're spending your time and your money for yourself because it's not about being selfish because if you're joyful if you're happy with your life if you're having these events that give you energy and make you feel great then you're only more loving and kind and joyful to

00:39:15 everyone around you and so it's not about being selfish it's about creating your life and taking care of your needs um so that you can be an example to others to do it but so you can also then give to others because you can't do that like if you're not you know if you're not filled up yourself like as we know right as they the whole oxygen mask thing they say on the planes right put your oxygen mask on first before your kids Etc so we've heard this a million times but I think it's really really

00:39:46 important for people to understand about their hobbies and interests because those are the thing especially if your job isn't your passion and you're fine with it it's even it's just even that much more important to have those hobbies and interests where you can you know really feel that joy and that creativity and that excitement in doing something I agree for sure all right everybody well so we hope this week that you will um get out there and make some time schedule the time um this month this week however you want to do it but

00:40:24 to actually try something new do your hobby look at a new interest get out there and do something fun that brings you Joy um any moment of joy for you this week Stephanie do you have a any moment of joy and I know you said it was a tough work week uh I I definitely can feel that the end of the year is upon us so it's definitely uh I'm excited for that I just you just can tell like there's just a different level of excitement seems so close so and then um yeah my daughter will be gra walking in graduation in a couple weeks so I'm

00:41:02 excited for that too so those are all good things yeah we can't believe our daughters are both graduating in June so this is gonna be crazy my moment of Joy this week was definitely seeing my friends back at work um we had some great conversations a lot of laughter a lot of Tears um knowing I was leaving that department so it was bittersweet um as I said earlier but that was definitely my moment of Joy um and I'm so grateful for all the people I was able to work with for the last three years so that was my moment of joy for

00:41:36 sure all right everybody the Monday meditation minute is out so find that on our YouTube channel um under shorts take those moments in your day to just stop and give yourself one minute to refocus and think about your intention for the day and think about a way you can bring yourself joy every single day remember it's your life at your time and try and take those little minute breaks here or there um to bring yourself some Joy um and thank you enough Stephie for being here with us thank you for having me all right

00:42:14 well hopefully have stuie back again all right everybody go out there and create a life to love bye bye [Music] for